Thursday 16 October 2014

Time flies, Memories stay

Is been the 2.5 years working with this current Company. Early in October 2014,
we organized a short getaway Company Trip to Bangkok.

At first, I thought this trip is going to be a bored one as I'm a type of travel that doesn't
like to follow tours or any travel timetable. I'm more to a free an easy traveller. But, in fact
this 4 days 3 night trip turns out to be a memorable trip I had with my beloved colleagues & boss.

Everyone is so open-minded and easy thinking. Lots of laughter, noises, nonsense, jokes during our trip.

All trip's air-ticket, hotel and tour are all arranged by my beloved seniors. (Million thanks for the hard work). We managed to get this tour with this friendly local free-lance tour guide name - Kartoon.

Mainly our trips are outside of BKK, so we didn't manage to explore much on BKK instead, we took the chances to get out of the city to explore places like Santorini Park, Hua Hin, etc...

Instead of me doing the typing, why not let my photos of my favorite places do the story telling? =)

The place that drag my whole soul away - CICADA

A place of arts, hand-made crafts, musics

Randomly saw this young talented kid doing this, stacking up all the empty glass bottles in a unique way. Is incredible as this is absolutely not easy to balance it at all. I salute for his passion and patient.

Im consider a music lover and also a street lover. Whenever I saw all these performances, my soul is completely drag away into a far far away land. 
Is so peaceful, this kind of atmosphere, is absolutely a great time to hold on to a bottle of beer or a glass of red wine and enjoy the live band music and the surrounding environment (and also is time that you keep your HP away from you.. XD)

Too bad, I didn't manage to get myself any good drinks and sit back to relax as our time spend in Cicada is only 1 hour which is not enough as if I got a more flexible time, I would stay here whole night. Is just so chilling and I love it.

Out of no where, I come across this scene. Randomly saw some bboys cyphering at the open park in Cicada which really drag my attention. (I'm a bgirl! yeah!)

I am unable to hold back my soul in me that I actually randomly join in the cypher after asking permission from one of the bboys. I enjoy the cypher for 15 minutes. I feel so free and happy when i did and this is when I officially sprained my own thumb but I did not regret of joining in to have fun together. Feelings are indescribable.

Next up - A place to actually drag you back to childhood : Plearn Wan

A candid shot of me ^^Y

The moment when I stepped into Plearn Wan, my first thought was:

"OMG, this is so old school, i love it.........."
Do you remember all these? Is so old school

 Last but not least , Santorini Park @ Cha Am (Hua Hin)

Me and my lovely playful colleague, trying to be "cool"

I've always love Santorini (The real Santorini), but I only manage to visit the "fake" Santorini, first one was at Macau, the latest was at here - Hua Hin, Thailand. (Anyway, i'm going to visit the real Santorini real soon! Blessed!)

Is indeed quite a beautiful place to take photos. Since i'm a girl that love taking photos, of course i did a lot of awesome shots here. =)) Come, let me show you..... HAHA!

I guess that's all for now

Before I ended my post here, 
Let me conclude it with a photo =)

"Life is beautiful, do not stop exploring, do not let any obstacles to drag you down....."

"Follow my path, my journey, my story, my experience......." 

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