Wednesday 17 September 2014

Fear is temporary, achievement is permanent

"Fear is temporary, achievement is permanent"

I personally love this phrase that I've learn at my past trip at a Skydive tandem in Taupo, NZ.
Loving and having the passion of travel is something amazing.
Being to let yourself out of the box and experience what's around you.
Blending into a different culture, seeing and understanding the beauty of the other cities.

Traveling alone is never an easy task,
But definitely worth and it stood up to be something amazing that is indescribable until you tried it.
Some people are afraid to travel - afraid being lost, afraid being wandering around in a new place
with unknown strangers or even languages that you could not even understand.
But, one will never grown or let their mind to be more open minded
if one is always being afraid.

I admit i'm afraid as well, but it doesn't hold me back.
How much time do I really have in this life journey?
Everyday waking up is a miracle, and you never know what's gonna happen next.
Why not just give it a try, experience it.
FEAR is always temporary.
But what you gonna experience later, is just one amazing story you gonna share among your friends.

I'm 26 this year.
I'm proud to say that i am a travel freak, and I love the way it is.
I'm proud to say that i eventually took out my courage to travel.
I'm proud to say that i have managed to visited at least 17 countries, estimation of 35 cities since I was 21.
I'm proud to say that i managed to do the first thing - solo backpacking when I was 22.
I'm proud to say that i managed to earn all my travel expenses and able to travel budget and survive.

Everytime I travel, i met amazing people (of coz also shitty ones), inspiring people.
Everytime I travel, i felt like i'm one step forward again to know myself better.

This is just a basic start of telling WHO AM I in my blog.
What's gonna happen in the future,
will be more blogs updating my travels, inspirations and life journey that I wanted to share.

Another phrase that I've always putted in my heart.

"Each one teach one, each one reach one, each one share one"

Never stop learning, never stop exploring, never stop doing what you love
Is the best gift in life you will ever had.
Everyone's life journey journal is different, make yours outstanding.

Follow me in my next journey to UK, Europe & Greece.

"All is well, fear is temporary, achievement is permanent"

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