Thursday 12 February 2015

My Footage

Finally had a little free-time to update a little here.

Some friends asked me, what is the best advice for them if they are newbie in solo traveling, my answer will be: JUSTDOIT.

If you really love travel, just go ahead and give it a shot to try up doing a trip in a solo way. You will never know how capable you are if you never stepped out the first step to try. Traveling alone, is not an easy thing to do, feeling nervous and worry is a common thing, but don't hold back because you will not regret for everything you give out for.

Basic thing you learnt from a solo trip

1. Being independent.
2. Being able to face and solve things yourself.
3. Being able to see and learn things differently.
4. Your whole life will change after seeing what you saw (IE, the cultures, the environments)
5. Learning and upgrading your time-management.
6. Learning to approach/talking to other strangers (backpackers)
7. Learning to make friends and be open minded and heart towards things.
8. Able to relax yourself and loving everything around you.
9. Being able to managed your cost (in order to survive, in budget. HAHA)

Everyone has a different point of view and also the things they gain in their travel journey. Mine are gaining on every trip I made in my life. Sometimes, you have to give and take, sacrificing is need sometimes.

Few months back, I travel alone to UK, and some part of Europe (Florence, Venice, Rome, Santorini, Athens). I sacrifice my pay by applying for a non-income salary for a month where I still have to paid my rental fees and some bills, but I still feel every minute in my travel worth more than a penny. I am glad that I made the decision and try to travel for a month for the first time.

Taking my SJ4000 (similar to a GOPRO), I've try to randomly took videos during my trips and I tried editing my very first footage travel video. I randomly pick several short videos from my camera and combine it with random music. Enjoy ~ =)

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